Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Blog Post week 13

Being Conscious of our Online presence

In today's day and time, internet security is a very important subject which not enough Americans are aware of. Internet security ranges anywhere from being conscious of the posts you make on instagram or facebook to visiting dark websites which could possibly steal your personal information.

Image result for tiktok logoBeing conscious of the content you post on your social media pages, whether its to your facebook, twitter, or instagram is very important in today's society. Anything you post can deliver messages which you don't intend to leave. This can negative effects that result in consequences which you may not have even thought about or expected before posting. An example of this is two teens who posted a racist Tiktok a few weeks prior. With the intent to be funny (which it was not, just extremely racist), two teens made the biggest mistake of their lives. These teens immediately deleted the video, but it had already raised an enormous wave of backlash. This led to the students being removed from their high school district school system and even losing the ability to attend their dream colleges.

All You Need to Know About Internet Cookies and How to Manage ThemBeing aware of the sites you visit in today's time is very important as well. Most websites use "cookies" which track other sites you've visited, your ad preferences, and even your location. Notable major sites have been in trouble recently for releasing personal data to larger corporations and private sectors which use this information in ways which we don't even know. Facebook, which nearly everyone uses and has some sort of personal information shared with the website, have been in trouble recently for releasing this private data.

In conclusion, it is very important for us to be aware of our internet presence. While there are somethings that are out of our control such as cookies and privacy data being stolen, we still have the ability to be conscious of what we post and who can see our profiles.

sources: https://www.fastcompany.com/90315706/kids-parents-social-media-sharinghttps://www.fastcompany.com/90447583/our-collective-privacy-problem-is-not-your-faulthttps://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/18/us/racist-tik-tok-video-carrollton.htmlhttps://www.techrepublic.com/article/facebook-data-privacy-scandal-a-cheat-sheet/

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