Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Multi-Media Article

Senior Year Cut Short for College Senior Sydney Farabow

For Seniors in college, there are many "lasts" to look forward to. Last nights out with your friends, your last time sitting in a lecture hall, and that final 10 page paper you've been putting off all semester.

For Sydney Farabow, a senior at North Carolina State University, these lasts were taken away before she even got to experience them.

"I was really looking forward to those last six weeks," says Sydney with a solemn look in her eyes. "Having those things, in a sense, taken away from me has been pretty hard for me ."

Sydney has been self-isolating at home since early March, just after the last spring break trip of her college days. Being a senior, her goals are set on graduating even during these times of confusion and difficulty. Sydney takes part in daily zoom classes and tries to finish one homework assignment a day to hopefully graduate in the top percentage of her class.

The statewide lockdown has given Sydney much more free time than she had at school. In her free time, Sydney has been writing more in her journal, exercising, and spending time with her dogs. "Im someone who typically goes one hundred miles per hour, and never slows down. This has really given me the time to do that," she says.

At NC State and in the capital city of Raleigh, everything seems to move fast, and that's what Sydney liked about her school. But at home, its hard for her to stay put in one place. "Its hard not to feel trapped at home," she says.

Sydney realizes that the lockdown is for the greater good, and she says that's whats most important to her. "Just keeping this mindset that its about everyone as a whole and not just what I want keeps me from getting upset about it."

Sydney has now finished all of her classes and exams, but still does not know what's next. She continues show gratitude each day and aims to keep her head held high.

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